Art in the Palace of Justice

Art in the Palace of Justice

Fourth Floor

Augusto Gomes

On the 4th floor, in the 7th Section, the “Criação da Casa da Relação do Porto”, a fresco by Augusto Gomes [1910-1976], is one of the most iconic works of this whole artistic ensemble and represents the solemn opening of the institution in 1583, and its first governor, Pero Guedes, oath of office.

Exortação aos Cruzados por D. Pedro Pitões

In the Court Room of Court 3 there's a bas-relief carved in granite by Manuel Pereira da Silva [1920-2003], recalling the “Exortação aos Cruzados por D. Pedro Pitões”, Bishop of Porto (12th century) next to the Door of Vandôme, crucial moment in the conquest of Lisbon from the Muslim dominion.