

Corpus Iuris Civilis Romani

CORPUS JURIS CIVILIS Romani IN QUO INSTITUTIONES, DIGESTA AD CODICEM Antverpie Apud Joannem Baptistam Verdussen M.DCC XXVI O Corpus Juris Civilis or Corpos Iuris Civilis, 1726 edition, Antwerp.

The Corpus Juris Civilis (Body of Civil Law) is a fundamental legal work, published between 529 and 534 by order of the Byzantine Emperor Justinian I. As part of his project to unify and expand the Byzantine Empire, Justinian understood that it was essential to create a congruent legislation capable of meeting the demands and litigation experienced at the time.

The Corpus Juris Civilis was named by the French Romanist Dionysius Godofroy in 1583.

Offered to the Court of Appeal of Porto by the Judge of the same Court, Câncio Freire de Lima, in June 1868.